Link Building

Link Building

Link Building is the process of other websites linking to pages on your website. The goal is to increase the authority of your pages in the eyes of Google, so that these pages score higher and generate more search traffic.

Links remain one of the most important ranking factors used by Google and other search engines.

Good links are like voices; they are testimonials to how valuable the content is, and Google considers a healthy link profile to be a good sign.

Google has improved its ability to detect unnatural link patterns over time. The search engine is much better at figuring out which types of links are and are not useful to users. This means that old linking strategies like comment spamming, using PBNs, and posting in forums no longer work or as well as they once did.

In many different ways

Link Building can be done via the websites, landing pages and social media of the online magazines managed by NOOR & NOOR.

Since 2019, the multilingual interactive online magazine with news, tips, facts, inspiring stories and offers from and for the hospitality industry worldwide. 

Since 2024, the multilingual online magazine with news, insights, tips and more from Morocco. It caters to Moroccans as well as anyone with a love for Morocco.


We decide together

a formula based on your needs, expectations and possibilities.

We collect

the content based on a checklist.

We start

working with your content and ensure that as many of your web pages as possible are linked via your personal page and the blog articles on one or more of our sites.

Link Building

Search engines discover new content through links and it is partly how they judge the quality of that content.

Links that help your SEO are natural and related to the content in question. Anchor text is also important so that the search engines can understand the context of the links. 

With search engines fine-tuning their algorithms, “White Hat” techniques have become very important. This means that you do not focus on short-term results, but rather build sustainable organic findability. 

A related link to your website with good anchor text ensures that your website can also count on a better ranking in the search engines. 

The anchor text is important because both search engines and readers use it to determine what a linked page is about. So the more relevant and descriptive the anchor text, the better. Eg 'As a cooking shop specialized in Japanese and European knives, Chef & Knife Belgium supplies both the hospitality industry and hobby chefs', tells Google that the linked page is about a cooking shop specialized in Japanese and European knives for a specific target group.

'No-Follow and Follow' are link attributes that tell search engines whether or not to follow the outgoing link. No-Follow links are usually used when site owners want to link to another website but do not imply any form of endorsement. 


What our customers say about us

We are also very satisfied with the collaboration with NOOR & NOOR. The smooth communication and solution orientation of our file manager is remarkable. She is bursting with great ideas and contributes actively to our business. A last-minute message is no problem for her either. Our social media is revived and we hear this regularly from many customers in the store!

Lieve Janssen Keurslager Lieve & Patrick

Nowadays there are still companies that you can trust and that keep their word. The smallest question via Messenger or E-mail is answered immediately as if someone were standing next to you. I am very satisfied with the communication and structure of my new website. The monthly management fee fits within my capabilities and I have peace of mind.

wannes van de peer weilandshof feestzaal noor noor
Wannes Van de Peer Banquett Hall

Mijn dossierbeheerster is een schatje. Ze neemt echt veel tijd om mij als leek te begeleiden. Ze heeft ook heel wat structuur in mijn communicatie gebracht. Dankzij de overeenkomst op maat met NOOR & NOOR kan ik genieten van een professionele website, stap voor stap mijn webwinkel opbouwen en tegelijkertijd wordt ook mijn sociale media verzorgd.

jeanne gennar coffee with a soul koffie café sociale media website
Jeanne Gennar Jeanne Gennar, Coffee with a soul

As secretary, myself, but also the entire board of The Mastercooks of Belgium, is very satisfied with the way our social media is taken care of. The file manager is very driven and is fully committed to putting the members and partners of our organization in the spotlight in a professional manner. She also regularly comes up with new campaigns.

Daniel-Molmans-The Mastercooks of Belgium
Daniel Molmans The Mastercooks of Belgium

We zijn heel tevreden met de zorg die gedragen wordt voor onze sociale media. De steeds netjes gestoffeerde berichten worden ook spontaan gedeeld in Facebookgroepen met mijn doelgroep, en worden gerelateerde video's en beelden gelinkt naar ons bedrijf. Als SEO-specialiste optimaliseert ze ook onze webshop voor de zoekmachines. En dit met zichtbare resultaten.

chef and knife belgium koksmessen brecht loterman sociale media virtuele assistentie Noor Noor
Brecht Loterman Chef & Knife Belgium

I am very satisfied with my new website. Design according to my wishes in my corporate identity. Not only were the texts all rewritten, a top photographer also came along who captured my restaurant perfectly. My monthly changing menus are also retranslated so that they always look professional on the website, Facebook and Instagram.

restaurant cedric knokke cedric poncelet chef eigenaar zaakvoerder noor noor
Cédric Poncelet Restaurant Cédric