NOOR & NOOR SARL AU is a private company with registered office at 5, rue Daraa, Résidence Fatima Zahra, Appt 5, 10000 Agdal-Rabat, Morocco.
Legal information
If you send an invoice to NOOR & NOOR SARL AU, the following information must always be included on the invoice, with the initials and in this order
IF: 54002862 (this is the VAT number)
ITP: 25742363 (dit is het patent)
RC: 17263 (this is the trade register number)
ICE: 003368052000096 (this is comparable to the company number in Belgium and the Chamber of Commerce number in the Netherlands)
Your personal information
NOOR & NOOR SARL AU respects the privacy of all users of this site and ensures that the personal information you entrust to it is treated confidentially.
Gegevens over het gebruik van deze site en de feedback verkregen van de bezoekers helpen NOOR & NOOR SARL AU om deze site verder te ontwikkelen en te verbeteren.
If you decide to write a review, you can choose whether to add your name or other personal information. NOOR & NOOR SARL AU is curious about the opinions of visitors to this site, but reserves the right not to publish contributions that do not meet the site conditions.
All images on the site are the property of NOOR & NOOR SARL AU or the credited source and the person or company it represents.